Monday, August 17, 2009

weekend recap

* cello, for crying out loud
* yoga (optional, because, again, last Saturday and Sunday's sessions were both pretty unfulfilling)
* read two chapters in "The Art and Science of Teaching" to prep for the summer workshop on Thursday and Friday
* sweep and mop the room
* commit thoughts to paper/e-paper :)

Cello. Clearly, it is still sitting on the dining table, waiting for action on my part.

Yoga. I went on to Sunday's session because I wasn't feeling Saturday's teacher. So no gym on Saturday. The teacher today was quirky. Talkative, funny. Good about adjusting positions. Tried to get us to do with this crazy handstand move. THAT did not happen.

I read THREE chapters of "The Art and Science of Teaching." Three more to go!

I did not clean. It is too hot to clean!

Commit thoughts to paper/e-paper. I just finished doing that with tonight's dinner. It was cathartic, and I'm in a much better place, mentally. What I wrote tonight took about three hours. I have a feeling that the other thoughts-on-paper will not be so thorough because the memory is not as fresh. But at least I feel a release. :) Thanks, Kevin!

I also saw "(500) Days of Summer" tonight in a bid to leave to apartment and do something so I'm not so bored all the time. I liked the movie. It's not as lovey dovey as I expected it to be, and I'm glad. I think it portrays love as close to reality as a movie can. The ending was cute.

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