Friday, August 28, 2009

Super 88 Market to be sold

This explains so much why Super 88 has sucked for the last year or so. Hopefully, Hong Kong Supermarkets will make it shopable again.

In other news, went to school (again) today to continue to organize my files. This, after talking to Brian at 8 a.m. -- 5 a.m. in San Fran -- as he gives me a nugget of the life of an ibanker. Oh my dear lord. Decided that it's ridiculous to be awake and functioning at 8:30. Went back to sleep until noon. Went to school.

Finally had a productive discussion with my English partner Scott about the new year -- especially his writing curriculum. I think we're on the same page for the most part. We're both pretty hard on homework and getting shit done, so that's good news. He teaches with the IQA (introduction, quotation, analysis) method, which is similar to the PEAL (purpose statement, evidence, analysis, link) method, so hopefully there will be less tweaking on my part on the writing front. Also a good thing that he is also a believer of the one-sentence thesis statement. Found it interesting -- and I like it, btw -- that he teaches body paragraphs first, rather than thesis writing. I think more kids should learn to write the bodies before the intro paragraph. He seems like an exciting teacher, so I'm optimistic about the new year.

Oh, yeah, and I am well aware of how good I have it. Scott also regaled me with some of the horror stories of teaching in New York City public schools. I'm sure my eyes look like they're about to pop out of their sockets. I know that I was definitely making a conscious effort to keep my mouth from hanging open. Seriously. Wow.

After I left school, I satisfied a craving for tortellini salad. :) Took a quick nap and then went to Panera to read more about Indian history. I'm now to the Vedic era, so progress is being made. Must make it through the Guptas soon.

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