Tuesday, August 18, 2009


To do:
* continue with positive thoughts. be strong. You can do it.
* commit thoughts to paper/e-paper by going to the library or someplace quiet to type.
* movie with Whitney!
* finish reading required chapters in "The Art and Science of Teaching"
* Netflix


Positive thoughts. Be strong. Easier said than done, but I'm making strides. If I actively seek to do things that will occupy my thoughts, I find that I am less melancholy.

Committing thoughts to paper. I went to the Harvard Coop and wrote quite a bit. It's therapeutic to write things down in a concrete manner. It also gives me some perspective and, hopefully in the future, some emotional distance.

Movie with Whitney. We went to see "Ponyo" at the Boston Common theater. It was cute! I went in knowing very little about it and was glad to see it. It was a matinee, so there were plenty of parents with kids. A good experience! Whitney and I then walked over to Downtown Crossing for a late lunch and talk. I thought I should explain why I was a little distracted at trivia last week. Was relieved that she understood and listened to my story. :)

Reading the last chapter of "The Art and Science of Teaching" did not happen. I was too preoccupied with staring off into space and writing to be focused enough to take words IN.

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