Monday, August 24, 2009

a good Sunday ... for once

The day started pretty shittily as my emotions were at a low point, but after talking to a few friends, I gained MUCH better perspective on things. I'm glad to know that I have supportive friends in my times of need. You guys listened with incredible patience and told me like it is, and I appreciate (and needed!) the bluntness of what you said. So, a huge THANK YOU to the following people (in no particular order!):

* James Koren
* J. Christina Huh
* Kevin
* Kai
* Whitney
* Squash
* Bakul
* and Brian Lovett (for some much-needed special perspective. :))

Went to Panera Bread (tomorrow's destination, also, I think, after I go to school) to finish reading "Does My Head Look Big in This," the lovely, lovely summer reading book. Surprisingly, it's not as contrived as I thought it would be.

Gym did not happen today.

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