Thursday, August 20, 2009


I lapsed! No list for Wednesday, but I pretty much parked myself at the Harvard Coop again and wrote for a good three total hours. This is not including the two hours (no joke) I spent just staring off into space, lost in random thoughts. And the hour finishing reading the book. First thing this morning, though, I trekked to Government Center/Downtown Crossing to a coffee shop with wifi (because seriously, I need my daytime access to Internet even though I'm going to be lost in my thoughts), but there were no outlets! I'm going to echo Christina's post here -- but what is the point of providing free wifi if the place doesn't have electrical outlets? It certainly is NOT because of crowd control because there was literally five people in the cavern of a sandwich cafe. So off to Harvard I go. I would use the free Harvard Square wifi, but the wimp in me would prefer to have no Internet in an air-conditioned cafe than to have Internet and die of heat stroke.

Major improvement Wednesday, though. I might have made a breakthrough. :D I think I am definitely gaining some perspective ... maybe it's also because I am SO psyched about school starting again?

Whitney, Dave, Tom and I did trivia again Wednesday night with Dave's friend Justin. We came in fourth place! Our group's highest finish yet. :) It's good not to be holed up with one's thoughts too long.

I am grateful for supportive friends. Love you guys!

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