Monday, August 10, 2009

list for Monday

I'm feeling slightly sick to my stomach right now (about 10:30 a.m.). Not sure if it's the lack of sleep (couldn't make myself fall asleep last night. I hate it when that happens. Didn't actually fall asleep until around 6. Woke up at 9.) or if it's some subconscious emotional turmoil. I'm also a little frustrated and angry at myself, so ... anyway.

today's list:
* finish the rubric assignment
* sweep and mop the room
* spinning at 6:45 p.m. (Not sure if this will happen ... depending on how I feel later today)
* practice cello


For reasons I will explain in my next post, I got very little done today. I felt better enough by the evening to go to spinning class.

today's list:
* finish the rubric assignment
* sweep and mop the room
* spinning at 6:45 p.m. (Not sure if this will happen ... depending on how I feel later today)
* practice cello

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