Monday, August 24, 2009

a productive Monday

One more week!

Received an unexpected text at 11:25 a.m. Eek. Went to school today around 1:30 p.m. to clean up a storm. Wiped the sticky adhesive mess from tables and desks and moved around some furniture. Turns out I have a lot of junk in my drawers. Saw two of my former students today when they were wandering the halls. Chatted a bit with them and they asked about their new teachers. Couldn't tell them much because 1) I am new myself and 2) some of their teachers are new, too.

Forgot to mention that I bought plane tickets on a whim on Saturday. OK. Maybe not completely on a whim. I've been thinking about it for quite awhile, ever since I found out the district approved a four-day Labor Day weekend. I've been waffling about it because of finances, etc. But I feel a need to leave the city -- very close to the feeling I had last spring -- and decided to visit some peeps in L.A. Should be exciting!

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