Tuesday, August 11, 2009

list for Tuesday

Monday didn't go well. It was a shit-tastic day. There was the physical problems (sick to stomach and lack of sleep) and the emotional turmoil that never really went away. For some reason, I just felt really glum today, even after I took a four-hour nap to make up my sleep debt. I think I just need to go back to school. Clearly, this summer vacation thing is not working out.

My anxiety and inner turmoil got bad enough for me to just leave the apartment and go for a drive. So from about 10:45 p.m. until about 12:45 a.m., I went from Brighton to Fenway/downtown (bad plan, the game just got out) to Cambridge/Memorial Drive. Then Lexington center and took Mass. Ave. all the way from Lexington to Harvard, took Storrow Drive on a roundabout way to get home via downtown/Fenway/Brookline. It felt great to sing out my frustrations in a car and to have a quiet moment to think and zone out. What I ended up with is a series of positive thoughts and what I am thankful for. Mostly, it's Christina and James for listening to my problems with patience, understanding and humor. During the drive, my mind drifted a lot of happy memories (yay!) that eased some of my insecurities and anxieties. Spinning class was exhilarating (read: I will be in pain tomorrow) -- it was a great combo of sequences and music! And c'mon! This morning, because I couldn't sleep, I got to see a beautiful sunrise (lavender, orange, blue) over the Charles River. Life can only be good when the day starts like that!

But, geez. This is so unlike me to be so glum for so long. Not to mention to be so anxious and insecure without real cause. I want the true me back! :(

On to Tuesday's list!
* continue with rubric assignment. Finish and polish.
* sweep and mop the room
* cello (I think even exercises like practicing my arm levels and scales will make everything better. Playing music makes everything better.)
* gym (either yoga at 5:15 or cardio whenever)


Tuesday's list!
* continue with rubric assignment. Finish and polish.
* sweep and mop the room
* cello (I think even exercises like practicing my arm levels and scales will make everything better. Playing music makes everything better.)
* gym (either yoga at 5:15 or cardio whenever)

Clearly, procrastination is a bitch. On the bright side, cello did make things better. Therapeutic. I might even be up for a cello lesson in the next week or so. Gasp! I ended up doing yoga instead of cardio because I figured that I had spinning yesterday. I was kinda regretting it on the way to the gym, but turns out the yoga class was Level 2 Vinyasa yoga, so it was way intense. I don't remember the last time I had to stay in plank or downward facing dog or a lunge for so long. Felt a fantastic stretch toward the end with the pigeon, though. So great yoga today. :)

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