Monday, August 29, 2005


Really hope Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama are going to be OK. People are dead, no electricity, property destroyed and lord knows what else. It's just terrible. :(

There are two reporters with Gulfport/Biloxi Sun-Herald who've been blogging throughout this thing, and it looks like they've been the eyes for a lot of people looking for information. Three cheers for them!

Journalistically, I want to be there, but my heart goes out to people whose lives are affected by this. It royally sucks.


I've been promising the story about how I got stuck with overnight reservations in Paris, and my column for the Daily Trojan ran today, so here it is. It's a shortened, less angry version of what I really felt like writing, but it will do. Hope y'all get a laugh out of my misery.

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