Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Oh, the injustice of it all. I am still not over it. Damn you, California Subject Examinations for Teachers!

CSET subtest 1 -- pass
CSET subtest 3 -- pass
CSET subtest 2 -- did not pass

CSET subtest 2 your score -- 218
CSET subtest 2 passing score -- 220

2 points. un. deux. uno. dos. 1. 2. TWO! TWO POINTS!

CSET subtest 3 subject -- California history and .... ECONOMICS!


I passed history of a state in which I lived for 3 years and never attended high school in. And I passed econ, a subject in which I barely comprehend the concept of supply and demand.

That is the current lament. Next up, my interesting (or anger-filled) adventure with the French consulate in Atlanta and why I will not be eating les freedom frites.

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