Monday, August 29, 2005


Wow. This cough suppressant is making me dizzy. Whoo. Feeling a little lightheaded, too. My skin's getting a little clammy as I'm typing this. The typing isn't going so well, either. Hmm... I think updating my resume is going to be fun tonight.

My computer decided to mini-stroke on me last night. It decided to go to a white-writing-on-blue-screen (very old-school computer-like) and restart itself. Then when it did restart, it refused to load internet. I restarted/shut down three times before it would work again.

Is it so hard to ask for a computer that will last through my entire college/grad school career? I mean, really. I'm pretty sure it's the heat sink thing again. The fan has been super loud recently (as if it usually isn't really loud), and I take that as an omen of bad things to come.

Don't ever buy Compaq/HP, guys. It might be tempting at times, but don't do it.

I think I'm going to fiddle with the resume before my brain shuts down. I'm supposed to take this thing every four hours! At least my body clock will join the rest of the alive world. Right now, I'm sleeping around 5:30 a.m. and waking up around 3 p.m. It's like I'm still working nights on the desk, but without the pay and brain stimulation.

By the way, my last paycheck from the Tribune came in last Friday. It was a sad/happy day. Sigh.

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