Sunday, September 25, 2005

a quick missive on Edinburgh

Hello, world.

I just got back from Edinburgh, and it was everything people told me it would be. My room's internet died (again), so I am currently at an internet cafe near campus and am running out of minutes, so this will have to be quick.

I'll write more on Edinburgh when I get internet back up and post pictures ... because I took A LOT of pictures.

But the most satisfying thing I did there would have to be the full day, when a group of us hiked up Arthur's Seat ... it's not a "mountain", per se, but it is more than a hill. I got such a sense of accomplishment out of it. :)

Anyway, school starts tomorrow, and I need to unpack my luggage earnestly now because there are still suitcases on the floor and all kinds of crap on my desk.


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