Sunday, September 18, 2005

the GMT

Oh, man. I'm sitting in terminal 8 of the internet cafe around the corner, contemplating whether I should get a sim card now or later and how much I really need to use my cell phone. Scattered around me are my newest acquisitions from IKEA, my second trip ever. And what a journey to IKEA it has been. Let me put it this way. QMUL is in the east part of London. The IKEA we went to is in Neasden, which in northwest part of London. The Tube ride was fine, but the walking reminded me of freshman year at USC without a car and having to walk or take the metro everywhere. Especially memorable is the trip to Bed, Bath and Beyond at the Beverly Center, lugging pots and pans, knives, flatware .... basically everything I ever could need for my sophomore year apartment.

This time, I'm smarter. I leave IKEA with one bag and a bright green hamper with a pink flower lid!!! :) Oh, you know there will be pictures soon of my awesome amazing hamper.

But. The prize buy of the day is my clip-on alarm clock with 5-minute interval rings in increasing volume. It's gonna be awesome terrific.

I come away with no winter clothes (we were too pooped to even stop by the grocery store for provisions), but the weather today was OK. There was a bit a drizzle when we left the Tube on the way there, but otherwise, it's just really, really gray.

It looks like I won't be getting my own Internet for at least a week, after we register.

Anyway, hope all is well back home!


Anonymous said...

I'm laughing at a lot of this, but this all sounds cool. I glad you're having a good time. I'll stay tuned in! :-)

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA!!! I remember that fateful bed, bath, and beyond day...well i'm glad you've learned since then! good luck with all the grayness- you better get used to it. and btw, watch green street hooligans. that'll get you in the crazy london vibe.