Wednesday, November 30, 2005

(two) hell week(s)

I'm taking a break from making lots of linguistics charts, so I will list what I have to accomplish, and accomplish well, in the next two weeks.

Monday, Dec. 5 -- linguistics presentation (working on that right now)
Thursday, Dec. 8 -- Society and the State in Britain paper (2,000 words = 7 pages)
Friday, Dec. 9 -- American Century (2,000 words = 7 pages)
Tuesday, Dec. 14 -- 15th Century England/Pastons Experience (3,000 words = longer than 7 pages) -- main problem ... Dec. 14 is a WEDNESDAY .... so it is due Tuesday the 13th or Wednesday the 14th???
Friday, Dec. 16 -- linguistics original research (at 2,000 words = 7 pages)

The biggest problem with these papers would be getting all the books I need before other people get to them. And also, I just turned in papers for U.S. history and Society and the State and does not yet know if they're up to par, which is great, I think, because I do not enjoy knowing where I stand in the class at near the end of term when I need to write papers that count, literally, 50%/50%.

I've also pulled 3 all-nighters in the past week, 2 of them consecutively. I do not need this.

OK. So you're saying, yeah, I've done more in less time at a harder school. Yeah, but I have to clue how these people grade because I have no grades in my classes. I hope my MLA format bibliography and parenthetical citations are good enough for them.


picture of the day -- in the Versailles Palace gardens.

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