Friday, November 25, 2005


Erika: hey
Me: hi
Erika: sorry i was across the hall
Me: I know.
Erika: we played a gaame
Me: lol
Me :what game
Erika: i dunno
Me:are you drunk?!
Erika: just a bit tipsy
Me :haha
Me: how was the game played
Erika: i stood up and it was like wooah
Erika: well there we cards on the table
Me: hahaha
Erika: and you pick one
Erika: and then you have to do something depending on YES
Erika: that's it
Me: hahahahaha
Erika: it's funn
Me: can I pls pls pls put this convo on facebook?
Erika: is it that funny?
Me: at least on my blog?
Me: I laughed.
Erika: maybe you shlouldn't ask my permisson when i'm intoxicated
Erika: but suuure go ahead
Me: ok

Later ….

Erika: omg that picture of me is shit!
Erika: ooh!
Me: why picture
Erika: can you send me the angel pic?
Erika: the one you put on facebook
Me: which one is that
Me: the one with you and Greg?
Erika: YES
Erika: i put a comment
Erika: can i have the escalator piccy?
Me: uh oh
Me: I have to upload it first
Me: hoping to do it tomorrow
Erika: OKAY

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