Wednesday, September 02, 2009

sick ... and things my kids wrote

I have a giant splitting headache that developed a few hours ago along with waves of nausea. No good. No good at all. Especially when I'm getting on an airplane in less than 24 hours. Hopefully this will clear up soon.

I told my kids today to write down something that is uniquely them. It can be a hobby, an experience or a special talent. What makes them them? Here are some gems:

* I like starting fires with sticks.
* I am a Revolutionary War reenactor.
* I get a haircut once every two years.
* I never dot my i’s. (Yet this kid dotted the i in his name on his name tag. Go figure.)
* I feel out a two-story window when I was 4 .. and didn’t break a single bone.
* When I was in elementary school, I spent my recesses collecting ants with my friends and we brought them inside with straws with eraser caps on the ends.
* I play a video game that was released when I was 3 years old. And yet I still suck.
* When I was learning to walk, I would go even faster than my grandfather. But every so often, I would abruptly stop and, without bending my knees, fall down backward and hit my head on the ground.
* I was once run over by an Indian motorcycle/scooter.
* I sang and recorded a song that is soon to be on iTunes.

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