Wednesday, September 09, 2009

a good day

Had a good -- but exhausting -- day. I'm too tired to type in paragraph form, so I'll list them.

1. This is really yesterday, but mom told me a that Amy told her a compliment about me. yay! :)
2. A special ed teacher stopped me in the hall today and told me that one of our mutual students told her that he really likes me. yay! I've never had a student compliment me to another teacher before. :D
3. AND Christina told me that her mom paid me a compliment after I left Sunday. so triple yay! :D

Also, I somehow pulled off a lesson plan that I may or may not have planned in my head and was scrambling to prepare in the morning. Technology issues with my computer log-in that might have impacted PowerPoint, which led to me not only to Plan B, but ultimately to Plan C. Eeek. But it went better than expected, so I'm glad.

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