Wednesday, May 03, 2006

je ne comprend pas

I've had this conversation with several of my guy friends, and the answer is always the same ... but it's worth writing about anyway:

Me: when I "grow up," I am going to adopt kids ... 2 girls! (or something to this effect) (and recently, those girls have been named Lorem and Dolor .... if you're a fellow newspaper nerd, you know what this means)
Guy friend: no way! There is NO WAY I'm having girls.
Me: Whyever not? Girls are so cute!
Guy friend: because I know what guys are thinking! If I have a daughter, I will KILL EVERY GUY ON THE PLANET WHO COMES IN CONTACT WITH HER!!!!!
Me: but ....
Guy friend's friend and other buddies: ME TOO!
Me: ....
Guy friend and buddies: BUT if I have a SON, I/we will teach them about girls.
Me: .... so basically, my daughters need to stay away from your sons .... and I will wish all of you to have daughters.

... I love my guy friends. Funny, confused, so smart and worldly about child-raising. :)

1 comment:

J. Christina Huh said...

Dolor and Lorem... Oh god.

But it's not as bad as Steven's Bit and Kit.

My Phillip, Nathaniel and Joelle will laugh and tease your Dolor and Lorem and Steven's Bit and Kit.
