Monday, March 13, 2006

a plane ride!

Weeeee! We made it back the South Carolina in one piece!
Along the way, I encountered a guy wearing a USC Gamecocks (pshhst) shirt who also did not wear deodorant. The plane to Washington, D.C., from LAX was lovely.
Of course, that same guy -- seeing as how he was wearing a Gamecocks shirt -- was also on the Columbia plane, which featured a lovely woman who didn't know not to sing Brandy's "Have You Ever" at the top of her lungs in a dinky little United Express plane with about 20 people in it. It was really annoying, which added to the fact that she couldn't sing -- like most people who decided to be obnoxious and sing aloud in public places. Enclosed public places. Bleh.
So don't look for an update for a while because I have no Internet at Chris' place because my dumb computer will connect to the wireless network but will not display the actual web pages. Actually, in all fairness, I shouldn't blame my computer for that. That's just technology's fault.
See ya'll Friday. :)

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