Thursday, July 07, 2005

Tampa, part deux

Where was I? Oh, yes. The drivers of Tampa.

Let me preface this by saying that since I began driving in LA, my main complaint was that they don't know how to drive in the rain, especially when they don't turn on their headlights. So imagine my excitement to go to a city where it (apparently) rains all the time, thinking (naively) that they would know how to the drive -- at least in the rain.

Well, they (I mean, most) can drive in the rain all right, but during the (few) dry weather, I have come to the conclusion that they're maniacs. I'd rather drive in LA and die.

First, they go right-lane speeds in the left lane. You know, if you wanted to go 5 mph in a 40, I'd change lanes, but seeing as how you're doing that (and not me), you should change lanes.

They also don't use the blinker. Fine. Don't use it. But don't cut me off on the interstate while not using it. I'm going fairly fast, and I need some sort of warning. I am not paying for your stupidity.

The merge-onto-the-interstate lane does not equal the stop-sign-and-look-for-cars lane. Merge. They're supposed to let you through if you just take some vehicular initiative.

And finally, you'd think for people who've driven through rain almost everyday and lived through several hurricanes, they'd know how to turn on their headlights when there is no visibility. But, of course, too much to ask.

I didn't used to have road rage. Until I got to LA. It is now even worse. Perhaps I should curb (haha, play on words) my anger and redistribute it somewhere else. Perhaps I should just take deep breaths and spare my passengers the venting and ranting.

Hey, I'm not the perfect driver. But these people drive me nuts.

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