Wednesday, July 06, 2005

hmm, Tampa

Well, Tampa. It's an interesting town full of fun-loving people, crazy weather and the most idiotic drivers I have yet to come across. Let me explain, point by point.

The people of Tampa are a rare breed indeed. They survive near-100% humidity in near-100-degree weather with little complaints. Last year, as y'all might know, the special (more on that later) people of Tampa braved three hurricanes.

Let us move on to the weather of Tampa.

Let me begin with my first week in town. Not only was I hit with a wall of humidity the second I stepped out of my car after sitting roughly in the same position for 10 hours, I soon realized the fickleness that is the rain "schedule" here. Everything was beautiful for the first, um, three days, thereabouts. Sun, no clouds, etc., if you're into getting skin cancer and all that. Then BOOM! Thursday hits, and it POURED at random-ass hours. We're talking 2 or 3 p.m. and 2 in the freakin' a.m.! Yes! After midnight! Pouring down rain! This continued for about 2 or 3 days. It would rain, out of the literal clear blue sky. BAM. Cats and dogs and puppy tails.

(an aside here. I just lost my many-hours-long effort of transcribing interview tape into the night by a single click of a mouse. Don't let this happen to you. Am now kicking myself.)

Continuing on with the weather. See, I thought people at work were kidding when they said it will rain on one side of the street and not the other. IT'S TRUE! On more than one occassion (I think I spelled that wrong) I have driven through literally 5 seconds of rain .... that's like, 10 feet of asphalt .... only to find that is it completely sunny right in front of me! wtf?!

We'll save the fun and joy of Tampa drivers for a later entry, with Fourth of July photos to come. Fun stuff indeed. It is now time for sleep.

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