Thursday, May 17, 2007

psychological research

For the past week or so, I've been taking tests and answering questions (the R on my keyboard just completely fell off ... but I digress) in hopes of qualifying for a psychological research study on childhood memories. I answered 17 pages of an online survey. I passed that and will be paid $20. I went to McLean Hospital (Harvard Medical system's psychiatric/psychological hospital, apparently) for a three-hour interview and 17 more pages of probing questions about my childhood. I passed both the interview and the survey, and I will get $50 more. :) Next, I go in for a battery of psychological tests -- IQs, memory, etc. I guess to make sure I'm not crazy or mentally disabled as a result of my childhood (haha). Or to prove that I am definitely of average intelligence. :)

So that is the background. Now, let me tell you what happened on my way to the interview last Thursday.

McLean had mailed me a taxi voucher because I told them that I don't have a car in Boston so getting there directly from work, even getting out early, is going to be a bit dicey. So I was told to go to Harvard Square (no problem, a 20-minute bus ride away) and call one of two cab companies to pick me up. I was supposed to call about 20 minutes before I get to Harvard. Well, I decided not to do that because I figured that I can just hail a cab at one of Harvard's numerous taxi stands. My plan didn't work. No one will take the voucher, so I had to go get some cash and pay for it. I was already running late.

We get to McLean about 5 minutes before my appointment time, but we get lost in the vast campus. It's like UCLA and other sprawling places, but much worse because there are no real directions or signs. We were both frustrated, so I ask him to just drop me off at the building we're nearest. The 20-minute ride to McLean Hospital came out to $21, plus tip, so I hand the newly withdrawn $40. He took it and searched for change. Turns
out he only hd $20s, so he couldn't make change. He asked around for change, but no one had any, so he finally gave me back my $20 after we exchanged a few nonverbal rounds of

him: Well, what're you going to do? You gotta pay me.
me: Hell if I know. You should've come prepared.
him: Well, you better do something about it because I have to get the fare.
me: Well, too bad. That's all the cash I gave. What're YOU going to do about it?

He finally gave me a $20 back, so he was short $5 (tip). Then I had to call the study people to find out how to get to their office because I didn't see ANY yellow builldings. :(

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