Tuesday, September 05, 2006

movie, internship and classes

Everyone should go see "Crank," which is about a guy who finds out he has been injected with "Chinese shit" and is going to die in one hour. It is dramatic, hilarious, and the way the movie is made is ingenious. All I am saying is, it is an AWESOME movie. Go see it.
Also, I'm not sure if I've told anyone, but I have a teaching internship at an "independent" (pffft) elementary school in suburban Boston .... read: wealthy parents with (hopefully not) bratty kids. I am assigned to the third grade team, which consists of ... TWO teachers.
I was at two of the three orientations last week. Two because the coordinator (that's another story) neglected to tell us interns that we're requires at all three and if it hadn't been for luck that I didn't get scheduled at work on Wednesday, I would've been at one, and that would've REALLY pissed off the coordinator. She is also not happy with me for another reason that is waaaay too complicated to discuss that involves my teaching pre-practicum (classroom observation requirement) for my degree.
BC classes start today. In fact, I am sitting at O'Neil library right now, waiting for my 5 p.m. 800-level graduate history class to start. Shiver. Graduate-level class with real history grad students. It's gonna be soooooo hard. :( It's a colloquium (shiver) called Atlantic Crossings. From the reading list and the syllabus, I gather that is mostly about trans-Atlantic migration/immigration from pre-Christopher Columbus to whenever. We already have a reading due for today that I haven't finished, which is troubling me. If I can't finish the first reading, then how am I gonna get through all the other 20-ish books?!
Anyway, I am also taking Social Contexts of Education and a class on bilingualism and literay and second language that I think will be fascinating.
Sorry about all the non-updates, hopefully I will start writing more often again. Au revoir!

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