Monday, January 21, 2008

Barack Obama meets SF Chron editorial board

So I've tried to avoid bringing politics to my blog, but I think this one is interesting because this is the first time I've come across video of a meeting between an editorial board and a 2008 presidential candidate. I know that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama met with the Des Moines Register board before its endorsement, but I didn't see a video of it. In any case, I'm not saying that there aren't video of other editorial board meetings with candidates; this is the first one I've personally come across. And I don't know why I put in so many qualifiers just now.

Members of the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board met Obama the Thursday before the Nevada caucuses. They talked about experience, policy, "internal fortitude," race relations in the United States, etc. The sound is a bit low because the board didn't have mics; it's about 50 minutes. (And I don't know how to resize that video player.)

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