Monday, October 03, 2005

Thank The Gap

Apparently many people out there are not fond (to put it mildly) of The Gap. But from my experiences on Friday and Saturday in Notting Hill, I owe The Gap quite a lot. They're good peoples.

Anyway, the second week of school has started, and things are setting in to their boring, lecturing self. In Society and State in Britain (basically medieval British history through the formation of Parliament), the prof spent the entire time talking about how to use proper grammar construction. Then, three hours later, in the seminar (discussion, if you will), he spent an hour talking about how to write a proper essay -- complete with Latin explanations. Puke. To give the guy some credit, though, I will say that he is hilarious. He's bitter, sarcastic and cynical, and it cracks me up. :)

Anyway, one side of my desk is clean, and my bookshelf now has books on it, so cleaning last night was a sort of success. More today, perhaps?

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